A new year, a new challenge. How many species can you catch on flies? As the previous post points out... LOTS! The 2023 Jamb-C begins this Sunday, January 1st, giving club members a chance to put "rainbow trout" into their list of entries. Several of the BREC ponds were recently stocked with the coldwater species. The trout fishing tends to taper off after a few weeks, due to fishing pressure and predation. So don't delay!
Rules are now updated on our "Jambalaya Challenge" webpage. New this year is "Fish of the Month". Each month we'll recognize a particular entry to the Jamb-C. It could be an unusual catch, a good size fish, or other outstanding entry. Send the photo entries to RSFFJam@gmail.com. This is the same email used to send photos for the Challenge.
Friday, December 30, 2022
2023 Jambalaya Challenge kicks off January 1st
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
2022 Jambalaya Challenge Results
The second edition of the Red Stick Fly Fisher's Jambalaya Challenge has now come to a close and what a year it was!
For those unfamiliar the Jambalaya Challenge is our yearly fishing contest in which participants (free and open to all RSFF members) try to catch as many species with their fly rods as possible. Diversity of species is the name of the game in this contest and that's what we hope to highlight - all the different fish you can target and catch with a fly rod.
This year we had 16 participants who submitted 189 entries, with 75 different species being represented! This year participants caught fish in 13 states and across 3 countries.
2022 Jambalaya Challenge Final Adult Standings
1st - Chris Williams - 55 species
2nd - Brian Roberts - 38 species
3rd - Ben Roussel - 27 species
4th - Murray Neames - 16 species
5th(tie) - David Rogers, Jack Lithgoe - 8 species
6th - Joe Conachen - 7 species
7th(tie) - Glen Cormier, Pete Sturgis,
Randy Leonpacher - 6 species
8th - Kevin Andry - 5 species
9th - Laura Hoffmann - 3 species
10th(tie) - James Wallbillich, Patrick Berrigan,
Sydney Dobson - 1 species
2022 Jambalaya Challenge Final Youth Standings
1st - Marin Roussel - 1 species
Congratulations to Chris Williams on finishing first two years in a row! He upped his species total from 43 last year to 55 this year and when you think about it that's more than 1 different species a week! What a year!
Congratulations are also in order for our first youth participant Marin Roussel! She may have competition next year as her sister is already chomping at the bit to get out and catch some fish herself.
The most common fish entered into the contest were bluegill, largemouth bass, redear sunfish, longear sunfish, green sunfish, redspotted sunfish, warmouth, rainbow trout, spotted bass, and speckled trout.
Much like last year the fly that caught the most species was the venerable Clouser's minnow. That fly catches just about everything! Other flies that were well represented were the Concordia Special, Woolly Buggers of all types, the Hot Head Damsel, and various beadhead nymphs, poppers, and soft hackles.
Each entry into the Jambalaya Challenge earned a separate raffle ticket, those awards were presented at the December meeting held this past Monday, several folks went home with some great prizes. If you want to get in on the action next year you are in luck because the 2023 edition of the Jambalaya Challenge will start on January 1st!
Friday, December 9, 2022
December 14th Flies & Flights
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in. Some spare tools and materials are available for beginners.
With the annual stocking of trout in BREC ponds around Christmas, this would be a great time to tie a few patterns aimed at stocker rainbows. Chris will bring materials for a few different patterns (Rainbow Warrior, Green Weenie, Glo Bug). Tiers are welcomed to bring materials to share their favorites as well.
And in the spirit of Christmas, we'll be giving away three (3) material kits. Kits include everything you'll need except the tools. We'll draw one name for each of the following:
(1) Redfish Ritalin material kit
(2) Lefty's Deceiver material kit
(3) Hare's Ear & PT Nymph material kit
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Christmas Party & Club Awards - December 12th
The December meeting is our annual Christmas Banquet and Club Awards presentation. This year, it will be held Monday, December 12th at our usual meeting location - Broadmoor UMC, Adult Education building Room 101. Setup is 6:30pm, with the banquet at 7:00pm.
This is a potluck menu. Members should be receiving an email with a list of food items that folks will be bringing. Please check the latest emails to avoid bringing too much of one particular item.
We'll also be recognizing the winners of the 2022 Jambalaya Challenge year-long fishing contest. Even if you weren't at the top of the most species caught on fly rod, you can still come away a winner from the drawing of consolation prizes.Wednesday, November 23, 2022
November 28th tying
RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, November 28, 2022
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
This month's pattern TBA. Materials will be provided at the session.
always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Bring your vise and tools, or use one of the clubs, or simply watch and
Friday, November 11, 2022
November 16th Flies & Flights
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in.
This month, Chris will again bring some material to tie marsh flies. Marsh fishing is peaking now thru December, so be prepared to have your fly box stocked. Bring your vise and materials to tie your favorite patterns if you'd like. Or just come join in for some great company and a cold beer. For those looking to learn, there will be some spare vises and materials on hand.
Monday, October 31, 2022
November 14th meeting - Fish Records
RSFF monthly general meeting
Monday, November 14, 2022
7:00 pm
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
Big fish of any species can be caught on fly. Check this photo of Dave Coignet with his 2nd place state record Speckled Trout in the Fly Rod Division. It weighed a whopping 8 pounds, 11 ounces!
For our final general meeting of 2022, Brian Roberts will give us a presentation on "Louisiana Fly Fishing Records". The state fish records are maintained by the Louisiana Outdoors Writers Association (LOWA), with top 10 listings for each species in both Rod-and-Reel and Fly Divisions. There have been recent changes in applying for a record listing. Brian will explain how the new process works, what to do when catching a potential record fish, and what some current opportunities are for fly records.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Saturday, October 22, 2022
October 24th tying - Foam Fly
RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, October 24, 2022
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
Bob Cook will be our guest fly tying instructor. He will have the materials for tying a foam fly. Materials will be provided at the session.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome! Bring your vise and tools, or use one of the clubs, or simply watch and enjoy.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
October 19th Flies & Flights
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in.
This month, Chris will bring some material to tie saltwater flies. Marsh fishing is peaking now thru December, so be prepared to have your fly box stocked. Bring your vise and materials to tie your favorite patterns if you'd like. Or just come join in for some great company and a cold beer. For those looking to learn, there will be some spare vises and materials on hand.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
October 10th meeting - Montana fishing
RSFF monthly general meeting
Monday, October 10, 2022
7:00 pm
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
For this month, Jim Wright will be speaking about his fishing experiences in Montana including some tips and tricks for succeeding on western waters. Jim is a trout aficionado with experience on a wide variety of trout waters west of the Mississippi.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Sunday, September 25, 2022
September 26th tying - Lefty's Deciever
RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, September 26, 2022
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
This month, we'll be tying the Lefty's Deciever. Created by legendary fly angler and author Lefty Kreh, this fly was intended to resemble smelt, a forage species for striped bass. But it also imitates a large number of "shad like" species and is very effective for everything from bass to tarpon.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome! Bring your vise and tools, or use one of the clubs, or simply watch and enjoy.
Monday, September 19, 2022
September 21st Flies & Flights
The next Flies and Flights night is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21st, at Rally Cap Brewing beginning at 7:00pm. Location is 11212 Pennywood Ave in Baton Rouge.
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in. We had a great showing last month, and hoping we can see an even larger crowd this month.
Bring your vise and materials to tie your favorite patterns if you'd like. Or just come join in for some great company and a cold beer. For those looking to learn, there will be some spare vises and materials on hand.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
September 12th general meeting
RSFF monthly general meeting
Monday, September 12, 2022
6:30 pm - casting
7:00 pm - meeting starts
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
September meeting program TBA. Also on the agenda: club trip to Lake Concordia, National Hunting & Fishing Day at Waddill, Fall Catch & Eat marsh fishing trip, Jambalaya Challenge update.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Sunday, August 21, 2022
August 22nd tying - Full Motion Craw
Monday, August 22, 2022
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
This month, we'll be tying the Full Motion Craw. Ontario-based guide Steve May, with the help of fellow guide Ken Collins, developed this fly with trophy smallmouth in mind. Of course,, it works great for largemouth and spotted bass also, as well as carp.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome! Bring your vise and tools, or use one of the clubs, or simply watch and enjoy.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Jambalaya Challenge update - August 18th
![]() |
Flier caught by Chris Williams |
Our annual Jambalaya Challenge isn't a cooking contest, but a fishing contest. But like a good jambalaya which has many diverse ingredients, the goal of the Challenge is to catch as many diverse species as possible on fly rod.
The process for this members-only, months-long CPRO tournament is simple: catch a fish on your fly rod, take a photo with the fish and either the fly or any part of your fly tackle, and submit it online through this website. Each entry you put in gets one ticket into the drawing at the end of the year (see below).
The contest ends November 30th, so there's plenty of time to add entries.
Here are the current standings in the ADULT Division:
Chris Williams - 45
Brian Roberts - 33
Ben Roussel - 25
Murray Neames - 6
Glen Cormier - 6
Also: Kevin Andry - 5, Randy Leonpacher - 4, Pete Sturgis - 3, Joe Conachen - 3, Jack Lithgoe - 3, Laura Hoffman - 2, James Wallbillich - 1, Pat Berrigan - 1, Sydney Dobson - 1
In the YOUTH Division, Marin Roussel leads with 1 species.
While the top place will win a dedicated prize, all other prizes will be drawn from tickets. Each entry gets one ticket in the drawing. So if you catch 4 species, you get 4 tickets. More entries = greater chances to win! So get out there and catch fish!
Monday, August 15, 2022
August 17th Flies & Flights
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in. Bring your vise and materials to tie your favorite patterns if you'd like. Or just come join in for some great company and a cold beer.
For those looking
to learn, there will be some spare vises and materials on hand. This month, we'll have some materials to tie a pheasant tail nymph, a popular trout fly also effective for sunfish.
Saturday, August 6, 2022
August 8th general meeting
RSFF monthly meeting
Monday, August 8, 2022
6:30 pm - casting
7:00 pm - meeting starts
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
For our August meeting, fellow member Ben Roussel will speak on native Black Bass species in Louisiana and across the Southeast USA. He will also share new research on this topic. We are excited to have Ben share his expertise about fishing. You can also follow Ben on his "Mountains to Marsh" website. Click here.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Sunday, July 24, 2022
July 25th tying - Short Stack Slider
RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, July 25, 2022
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
This month, we'll be tying the Short Stack Slider fly. Created by Curtis Fry of Fly Fish Food fame, it's a great fly for carp, but also works well for crappie and bream. The barbell eyes get the fly down deep where bigger bream lie in the hot summer months.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome! Bring your vise and tools, or use one of the clubs, or simply watch and enjoy.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
July 13th Flies & Flights
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in. Bring your vise and materials to tie your favorite patterns if you'd like. Or just come join in for some great company and a cold beer. For those looking to learn, there will be some spare vises and materials on hand.
Beginning in August, we'll be moving the date to the third Wednesday of the month. This should distance the event from both RSFF's monthly meeting and tying night. Hopefully, this will make it easier for those looking to attend.
With that in mind, here are the upcoming dates scheduled so far:
- July 13th
- August 17th
- September 21st
- October 19th
- November 16th
Again, if you have any questions, please contact Chris Williams at this email address.
Monday, July 11, 2022
July 11th monthly meeting
Monday, July 11, 2022
6:30 pm - casting
7:00 pm - meeting starts
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
This meeting will be devoted open discussion of our club outings. For example, which ones should be dropped, kept as is, changing locations, or new ones added. Also possible day trips. This is an important meeting for our club. If you cannot attend the meeting and have suggestions, please send them to Joe Conachen or another member attending the meeting.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Sunday, June 26, 2022
June 27th tying - Tuscan Bunny
This month, Sydney will lead us in tying the Tuscan Bunny. Created by Drew Chicone, this baitfish pattern is excellent for skittish fish in shallow water as it sinks very slowly and has lots of motion.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome! Bring your vise and tools, or use one of the clubs, or simply watch and enjoy.
Friday, June 10, 2022
June 13th monthly meeting
RSFF monthly meeting
Monday, July 11, 2022
6:30 pm - casting
7:00 pm - meeting starts
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
Our speaker for this meeting is Brian Roberts who will share his secrets for our clubs Jambalaya Challenge. He has already caught 27 different species! Most of his fish have been caught locally and he will outlined several areas he fishes and the flies he uses.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
June 8th Flies & Flights
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in.
Bring your vise and materials to tie your favorite patterns if you'd like. Or just come join in for some great company and a cold beer. For those looking to learn, there will be some spare vises and materials on hand. Feel free to pass the word along to anyone who may be interested in joining in.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Fishing license changes effective June 1st
- All licenses now will be valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.
- Basic freshwater license (now includes crawfish nets): $17 annual resident, $68 annual non-resident, $17 non-resident native 10-day, $30 non-resident 5-day.
- Saltwater license (now includes crab traps and shrimp trawls to 25 feet): $15 annual resident, $60 annual non-resident, $15 non-resident native 10-day, $30 non-resident 5-day
- Hook & Line license (includes roadside crabbing): $5 annual resident, $5 non-resident native 10-day
- Senior licenses (includes hunting): born before 6/1/1940 - not required, born between 6/1/1940 and 5/31/1962 - $5, otherwise anyone 65+ after 6/1/2027 - fee will then be $20.
- Disabled (includes hunting): $4. If disabled native-born military, free.
- Retired military: either resident or native-born - $20.
- Lifetime fishing/hunting: resident or native-born - $500, non-resident $4,000.
- Senior lifetime fishing/hunting: resident or native-born - $100, non-resident - $4,000.
- Youth: the maximum age has been raised from 15 to 17. Does not require a fishing license.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
May 11th Flies & Flights
F&F is not affliated with the Red Stick club, but all members are invited. This is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. Anyone can come and join in.
Bring your vise and materials to tie your favorite patterns if you'd like. Or just come join in for some great company and a cold beer. For those looking to learn, there will be some spare vises and materials on hand. Feel free to pass the word along to anyone who may be interested in joining in.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
May 9th monthly meeting
RSFF monthly meeting
Monday, May 9, 2022
6:30 pm - casting
7:00 pm - meeting starts
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
This month, Glen 'Catch' Cormier will present on interesting new products at ICAST 2021 - the world's largest fishing trade show - along with a "State of Fly FIshing 2021". As Conservation Director for the Fly Fishers International Gulf Coast Council, Catch will also give a second presentation on conservation issues across the region, as well as within the FFI nationally.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Tying flies and drinking brews!
Flies and Flights is a casual tying event to be held monthly at Rally Cap Brewing Company (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge). Time is 7:00pm. Just bring a vise and materials to tie and share your favorite patterns. Or if you're new to tying, you can get instruction and tie a simple fly, like a wooly bugger. Extra vises, tools and materials will be available.
Chris also maintains the popular "Fat Fingered Fly Tying" blog, which has a great selection of various fly patterns with step-by-step instructions, as well as photos of a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater species. Check it out at www.fatfingeredflytyer.com
Sunday, April 10, 2022
April 11th meeting
RSFF monthly meeting
Monday, April 11, 2022
6:15 pm - casting practice *
7:00 pm - meeting begins
Room 204, Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
On the agenda:
- discussion of our Concordia trip coming up April 22-24
- summary of the recent trip to the Little Missouri River
- fishing reports
* We'll have club rods available for anyone who wants to practice casting. As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Sunday, March 27, 2022
March 28th tying - Baby Fat Minnow
RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, March 28, 2022
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
This month, Sydney Dobson will lead us in tying the chub-colored Baby Fat Minnow. This is a great pattern for saltwater, but also for catching bass during shad runs on False River and Lake Concordia.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome! Bring your vise and tools, or use one of the clubs, or simply watch and enjoy.
Monday, March 7, 2022
Sweetwater Classic this weekend in McComb
2nd annual Gulf Coast Sweetwater Classic
Fly fishing festival and fishing contest
Friday-Saturday, March 11-12, 2022
Percy Quin State Park, McComb, MS
FREE admission to festival, entry fee for contests
The Sweetwater Classic is hosted by the Gulf Coast Council (GCC) of Fly Fishers International (FFI). It's open to the public, and admission to the festival and the park is FREE. There is a $5 entry for the Big Bream Contest on Friday afternoon, and a $30 entry fee for the Big Bass Contest on Saturday. It should be noted that Red Stick is an affiliated club in the FFI and affiliated with the Gulf Coast Council.
In addition to the contests, there are seminars on fly fishing basics, on fly fishing for warmwater species and coldwater trout, there are also fly tying demonstrations and instruction, fly casting clinics and instruction, raffles and more. The raffle and silent auction includes fishing tackle, accessories, and many one-of-a-kind items. Proceeds from the fundraiser help to fund the Gulf Coast Council's conservation and education projects. There will also be free coffee and donuts on Saturday morning, and a pulled pork BBQ lunch on Saturday for $6.
For complete info, including schedule of activities and links to tournament registration, go to www.ffigcc.org and click on "CLASSIC".
Friday, February 25, 2022
February 28th fly tying - flies for RSD
RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, February 28, 2022
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
We'll be tying flies for donations for Red Stick Day on March 5th. So bring materials to tie your favorite flies. For beginners, it's a chance to watch several of our club tiers and learn.
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome!
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Make plans now for Red Stick Day on March 5th
The event will again be held at the LDWF Waddill Outdoors Education Center off North Flannery Road. The ponds on the premises are full of big bass and bluegill, so bring your fly tackle. In addition, our friends at Masseys Outfitters will be on hand with a variety of kayaks from Hobie and Native for folks to test paddle/pedal.
Once again, we have great programs lined up. Members of Team Massey will start things off with "Kayak Fishing the Marsh" with tips on how to rig for marsh fishing as well as best places for reds and specks. Chris Williams, winner of last year's Jambalaya Challenge with 43 species caught on fly, will present on a nationwide mixed bag contest. Successful tournament anglers Kevin "MusicDoc" Andry and Glen "Catch" Cormier will talk about "Bass on the Fly". And finally, coastal scientist and accomplished fly angler Darin Lee will discuss "Fly Fishing Southwest Louisiana".
Roughly a dozen of the region's top fly tiers will also be on hand to demonstrate their various flies, along with their favorite legacy patterns. Attendees can watch and learn the step-by-step process to making a great fish-catching lure from scratch. Names and bios of tiers will be listed when we have received them.
We'll also have casting instruction from several regional FFI Certified Casting Instructors throughout the day.
Details about the event, including speaker and tier bios, schedule of activities, and more can be found by clicking on the "Red Stick Day" link above.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
2022 Jambalaya Challenge goes live!
* Please note that the form currently shows 2021 but can still be used for 2022 entries.
Like it's namesake, Jambalaya Challenge is a mixture of diverse elements... a contest where size doesn't matter, but diversity does. It's a members-only, months-long tournament where the goal is to catch as many different species on fly rod. It's CPRE which means catch-photo-release encouraged. And best of all, there is no entry fee!
Are you ready? Here's what you need to compete:
- Be a 2022 member of Red Stick. If you haven't joined or renewed, you can still post entries but have until March 31st to get your membership paid.
- Go to the Jambalaya Challenge page and review the rules
- Have your camera or smartphone available when fishing
- Take photos of your catch and include either the fly rod or fly, or both
- Log them in using the links on the Jambalaya Challenge page.
- While members who log the most different species win prizes, all other participants are eligible for consolation prizes. Each entry gets you one ticket into the consolation drawing.
Check out our website and Facebook page during the year for frequent updates.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Springtime is events time
Here is a list of fly
fishing events within four hours drive or less from the Baton Rouge area,
taking place over the next few months. We encourage RSFF members and
others to attend our own Red Stick Day, and one or more of the others.
Jan. 29 (Sat) – 4th biennial CENLA FLY FISHING & LIGHT TACKLE FESTIVAL, Kees Park Center, Highway 28 East, Pineville, LA. 8:30am – 3:30pm. Free admission. Presentations, fly tying demos, casting clinics, exhibitors and more. $5 lunch available. Benefits Food Bank of Central Louisiana. Hosted by Kisatchie Fly Fishers club. Website: www.kisatchiefly.org.
Feb. 12 (Sat) – 29th annual Dr. ED RIZZOLO FLY TYING FESTIVAL, Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX. 8:30am – 4:30pm. The largest fly tying event on the Gulf Coast features over 80 tiers as well as seminars and vendors. Featured guest tier: Jerry Coviello. Adults $10, students and seniors $5, children free. Hosted by the Texas Fly Fishers club. Website: texasflyfishers.org.
Mar. 5 (Sat) – 26th Annual RED STICK DAY, Waddill Outdoor Education Center, 4142 N Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge, LA. 8:30am – 3:30pm. Free admission. Seminars, tying demos, kayak demos, casting clinics, food, refreshments. Hosted by Red Stick Fly Fishers. Website: www.rsff.org.
Mar. 11-12 (Fri-Sat) – 2nd annual SWEETWATER CLASSIC, Percy Quin State Park, McComb, MS. Free admission, bass tournament entry $30. Fly tying demos, casting clinics, seminars, raffles, Big Bream Contest (free), CPR big bass tournament with categories for boat/kayak and bank fishing, plus Slab Master (largest crappie). Hosted by FFI Gulf Coast Council. Website: www.ffigcc.org.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
January 24th fly tying - CANCELLED
RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, January 24, 2022 - CANCELLED
Adult Education Building
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
10230 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
* This meeting has been cancelled. Join us next month for fly tying *
As always, our meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome! Materials will be provided for those wanting to tie along. Bring your vise
and tools, if none, the club has sets for use during these sessions.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
RSFF annual banquet - January 17th
RSFF annual banquet
Monday, January 17, 2022
6:30pm - setup
7:00pm - dinner
Broadmoor United Methodist Church, Adult Education Building
* Note: this month's meeting moved from the 10th to the 17th due to the BCS National Championship
Our annual banquet & potluck dinner will take place at our usual meeting spot. Bring a dish or dessert to share, and serving utensils needed for your dish (eg, large spoon, fork or knife). The club will furnish plates, napkins, silverware, tablecloths, ice, cups, iced tea and water.
Use the group email to respond with what dish you plan to bring.
We will also do club awards, recognize the winners of the 2021 Jambalaya Challenge and talk about club plans for this Spring.