Two important reminders!
First, our monthly general meetings are now held at the Bluebonnet Regional Branch Library (9200 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge). When you arrive please enter through the main entrance, the club will have signs up directing you where to go. For our members needing to view remotely, a separate email will be sent the morning of each meeting with a link and log-in instructions.
Second, 2025 dues are now being accepted thru the end of March. New for this year, we now have two level memberships, basic and premium. Premium membership benefits include, but are not limited to, an annual swag item. The RSFF team is hard at work on creating some cool swag items! Check the membership page for complete detais.
RSFF Casting Clinic
Saturday, February 8th
9:00am - til
BREC Perkins Road Community Park
7122 Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge, LA
Join us Saturday, February 8th, as Felipe and the RSFF crew meet up for a morning of casting practice at Perkins Park (Kenilworth). Casting starts at 9AM. Don’t be late!!
Monday, February 10th
Bluebonnet Regional Library
9200 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge
Topic: Capt. Bailey Short - ASGA Conservation Efforts
Join us next Monday, February 10th, as Captain Bailey Short hosts a presentation on his work with the American Saltwater Guides Association (ASGA). Actively involved in fisheries conservation efforts across the eastern US, Bailey and ASGA were particularly integral in last year’s efforts to revamp Louisiana’s outdated Red Drum regulations.
As always, guests are welcome. For our members needing to view remotely, a separate email will be sent
the morning of each meeting with a link and log-in instructions.
Flies & Flights
Wednesday, January 15th
Rally Cap Brewing
11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA
Pattern: TBD
Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, January 15th for this month’s Flies & Flights brewery night. The gang hasn't decided on a featured pattern yet, but expect something that catches fish!
F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!
As always, tools, vises and materials will be provided for those interested in learning.
RSFF SackUp for Clean Water
Saturday, February 22nd, 9am til
Where: Bayou Manchac Kayak Launch (19010 Old Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge)
This month’s #SackUp is one for the kayak crowd as Robinson and the gang will be launching kayaks at BREC’s Bayou Manchac kayak launch with plans to clean up this section BREC Blueway (and hopefully catch a few fish as well).
Don’t miss out on this opportunity for a great day of paddling, fly fishing and waterway cleanup with your fellow RSFF members!
"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.”
- Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida
Volunteer Sign-up form
Monday, February 24th
7:00 pm
Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA
Featured Patterns: Legtastic Critter
Join us Monday, February 27th, as FFI Gulf Coast Council president A. J. Rosenbom ties up his variant of the Legtastic Critter. Originally created by Nick Davis of 239 Flies, AJ’s variant has become a best seller at shops along the coast including No Wake Outfitters in Metairie, LA and Forgotten Coast Fly Shop in Apalachicola, FL.
As usual, beginners and guests are welcome. Tools, vises and materials available for use during this session for those looking to learn. Come early and get some retail therapy in at our Orvis sponsor!