Monday, December 30, 2024

Membership fee structure changes for 2025

New for 2025, there is a new membership structure for Red Stick Fly Fishers. In addition to the $25 basic membership, a new $50 Premium membership has been introduced. Members opting for the Premium level will receive benefits which include, but not limited to, an annual swag item.  The item might be a pint glass, t-shirt, tumbler, tote or duffel bag, sling pack, etc, with the RSFF logo.

According to president Brian Roberts, the RSFF Team is hard at work on creating some cool swag items to have for Premium members in 2025. They are also working on purchase discounts as a benefit as well.

As always, dues can be accepted through the end of March, as many members choose to pay at Red Stick Day. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Here's wishing our members and friends, and all of their families, a most blessed Christmas!  Hopefully Santa will put something under the tree that helps us catch more fish - or at least make the trip more enjoyable!

At the same time, let's remember the reason for the season.  Please be generous to those in need, and pray for those in suffering or distress, and for those away from their families this season - especially our service men and women.

Look for details of the 2025 Jambalaya Challenge in the next week as it kicks off on January 1st.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Mark your calendars for these 2025 events!

It's that time of year when we break out the new calendars and start marking them for those special dates.  Here's a few that will be of interest.  Events with an '*' indicate club activities.

* Jan. 1 (Wed) - Our annual JAMBALAYA CHALLENGE kicks off.  In addition to the top spots, we have great consolation prizes - so every entry counts! Check out the Jambalaya Challenge page for details starting Dec. 28th.

Jan. 25 (Sat) – 3rd biennial NEW ORLEANS FLY FISHING EXPO, St. Christopher School Gymnasium, 3900 Derbigny Street, Metairie, LA.   Time: 8:00am to 4:00pm. Free Admission. Casting Seminars and instruction, fly tying demos, fishing & destination seminars, Iron Fly Tyer contest, outdoor equipment & displays, artists & vendors, raffles, auction, Kids programs.  Hosted by the New Orleans Fly Fishers Club.

Jan. 31- Feb 2 (Fri-Sun) – 2nd annual HOME WATERS 2025 - a celebration of the Little Missouri River, Municipal Building, Murfreesboro, AR. Fri: noon-7pm, Sat: 9am - 5pm. No cost. Hosted by ArkLaTexOma Fly Tiers. Fly tying demos, fishing seminars, biologist reports, vendors, raffles and door prizes, food available. For details, see Calendar page or go to ArkLaTexOma Facebook page.

* Mar. 8 (Sat) – 27th Annual RED STICK DAY, Waddill Outdoor Education Center, 4142 N Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge, LA. 8:30am – 3:30pm. Free admission. Seminars, tying demos, kayak demos, casting clinics, food, refreshments. Hosted by Red Stick Fly Fishers. Website:

* Apr. 25-27 (Fri-Sun) - LAKE CONCORDIA SPRING WEEKEND club freshwater trip, Lakeview Lodge, Ferriday, LA.  Fly fishing for bass, bream, crappie, other species. Culminates with Saturday evening fish fry.

May 2-3 (Fri-Sat) – 3rd annual FFI GULF COAST CLASSIC, Learning Campus, Gulf State Park, Gulf Shores, AL.  Seminars, fly tying demos, casting clinics, raffles, Mixed Bag Challenge fishing contest. Fly Fishing film event on Saturday 4pm. Hosted by the Gulf Coast Council of Fly Fishers International. Website: or

* May 30 - June 1 (Fri-Sat) -  SPRING CATCH & EAT annual club marsh fishing trip, Boudreaux Motel Leeville.  Saturday evening gathering and fish/shrimp/veggie fry.  Details coming via email. 

July 18-19 (Fri-Sat) - CADDO FLY FISHING EXPO, Jefferson County Civic Center, Jefferson, TX.  Seminars, fly tying demos, casting demos and instruction, raffles, silent auction, and more. Hosted by North Louisiana Fly Fishers. Website:

Sunday, December 8, 2024

December Activities

RSFF annual Christmas Banquet
Monday, December 9th

* If you are an active member of Red Stick Fly Fishers and did -NOT- receive an email invite, please contact Chris Williams asap at for RSVP and location info *

The December meeting is our annual Christmas Banquet and Club Awards presentation.  Setup is 6:30pm, with the banquet at 7:00pm.  This is a potluck menu, and Dan Weber has coordinated food items with members.  Spouses and significant others are welcome!

We'll also be recognizing the winners of the 2024 Jambalaya Challenge year-long fishing contest.  Even if you weren't at the top of the most species caught on fly rod, you can still come away a winner from the drawing of consolation prizes.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, December 18th

Rally Cap Brewing
11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA

F&F is an independent collective of tiers who gather to tie flies and enjoy brews, an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. While not affiliated with Red Stick, several members frequent. Everyone is welcome!

For December, we'll have our 2nd annual Holiday Box Swap. How to participate:
1. Buy a new fly box (great chance to support our local shops).
2. Tie up at least 6-12 of your favorite flies (i.e. 12 small flies or 6 large patterns)
3. wrap your box and bring to F&F
4. Participants will pick a box at random and open during F&F

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

November Activities

Great marsh fishing continues this month with the cooler weather. We'll take advantage of this nice weather to hold a much-awaited casting clinic.  We also have an important membership meeting lined up early this month.  This will be our last routine meeting of the year (December is our Christmas Party). 

RSFF Casting Clinic
Saturday, November 9th

BREC Perkins Rd (Kennilworth) Park

We've had several new members express interest in getting some casting lessons lately, so we hope to see you all there!  We may also have some students from the St. Michael’s High School fly fishing club join us!  This clinic is free and open to anyone.

RSFF General Meeting
Monday, November 11th

LDWF Headquarters, 2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA

No guest speaker this month, but various club topics:
1) annual club elections
2) discussion on proposed change to the clubs dues structure.
3) we'll also go over the Jambalaya Challenge standings, and touch on some potential “new” sunfish species in our area for next year’s challenge.

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, November 20th

Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing for this month’s brewery night.  We haven’t settled on a featured pattern as of yet, but keep an eye out for updates as the date approaches.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Keep an eye out for a follow up email with more details.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF SackUp for Clean Water
Saturday, TBD

Where: TBD

While we have a date tentatively set for this month’s waterway cleanup event, the exact details are still to be determined.  We’ll send out a separate announcement as soon as we have more to share.

RSFF Fly Tying Meeting
Monday, November 25th

7:00 pm
Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA
Featured Patterns: EP Baitfish

Join us Monday, November 25th, as RSFF Fly Tying Chair, David Rogers, ties up a simple, but effective, EP Baitfish Pattern.  Quick to tie and durable, these patterns produce a great baitfish silhouette and are effective on a variety of fresh and saltwater species.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to tie this simple, yet deadly, pattern!

As usual, beginners and guests are welcome.  Tools, vises and materials available for use during this session for those looking to learn.  Come early and get some retail therapy in at our Orvis sponsor!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Reminder: October 14th meeting - Dr. Aaron Adams

RSFF General Meeting
Monday, October 14th, 7:00pm

LDWF headquarters, 2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge
Topic: Addressing Conservation Concerns in the Gulf of Mexico, with Dr. Aaron Adams

Reminder that tomorrow night we will have Dr. Aaron Adams joining us remotely.  Dr. Adams is Director of Science and Conservation for the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.  He'll share a presentation on the various conservation concerns facing fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Make plans to attend this very special meeting!  If you can't attend in person, check your email for the Microsoft Teams log-in instructions.

Friday, October 4, 2024

October Activities

This month brings a return to great weather and great fishing, especially in the marsh. We kick off the month with a very special general meeting featuring one of the most renown fisheries scientists in the nation.

RSFF General Meeting
Monday, October 14th, 7:00pm

Where: LDWF Headquarters, 2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA
Topic: Addressing Conservation Concerns in the Gulf of Mexico, with Dr. Aaron Adams

This month Dr. Aaron Adams, Director of Science and Conservation for the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, will be joining us remotely to share a presentation on the various conservation concerns facing fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. Renowned for his fisheries research, Dr. Adams is also an accomplished fly fisherman and author who has published several books on angling including the “Fly Fisherman’s Guide to Saltwater Prey.”

Be sure to mark your calendars for this one! For those members unable to attend in person, keep an eye out for a follow up email with Microsoft Teams log-in instructions.

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, October 16th, 7:00pm

Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)
Featured Pattern: TBD

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, October 16th, for this month’s brewery night.  We haven’t settled on a featured pattern as of yet, but keep an eye out for updates as the date approaches.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Keep an eye out for a follow up email with more details.

** Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

Fall Saltwater Catch & Eat Trip
October 25-27, 2024

Meeting Place:  Boudreaux's Motel, Leeville, LA

For those new to this annual event, we fish the waters along Highway 1 from Galliano south to Grand Isle, for reds, specks, drum, sheepshead and other marsh fish, then gather on Saturday evening where everyone shares some of their catch for a fish/shrimp fry and share reports about where they fished and what they caught.

All participants are responsible for making reservations at their favorite place of stay. If you haven't received an email from Randy Leonpacher about places to stay - as well as many more details about this fantastic and popular outing - contact Randy by email ( and inquire about the 2024 Fall Saltwater Catch & Eat.

RSFF Fly Tying Meeting
Monday, October 28th, 7:00 pm

Where: Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA
Featured Pattern: Redfish Toad

Join us Monday, October 28th, as RSFF tying chair, David Rogers, ties up some Redfish Toads in preparation for winter redfish.

For a larger view of this pattern, click on the image.

** Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF Sack Up for Clean Water X Casting Clinic
Date: TBD

With our Casting and Conservation Chairs both on the road this past month, details are slim regarding possible October meet ups.  Rest assured though, we’ll send out a follow-up email as soon as any plans have solidified.

"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.” -Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida

Volunteer Sign-up form

Monday, September 30, 2024

Toledo Bend Rendezvous coming up Oct. 18-20

North Toledo Bend Rendezvous
Friday-Sunday, October 18-20, 2024

North Toledo Bend State Park, Zwolle, LA

For those unfamiliar with Rendezvous, it began 35 years ago when members of two clubs met at North Toledo Bend State Park to camp and fish. The following year, the clubs decided to rent the group facility.  Since then, fly tiers and other fly fishing enthusiasts from across several states – along with their families – have gathered for a weekend of fly tying and fishing with only a minimal fee to cover lodging and meals. Some are members of clubs, some are not. Rendezvous is open to all!

There are no organized activities. Everyone is welcome to come fish, tie flies, watch some of the region's top tiers, or tie themselves. You can come for the day or the entire weekend. If you come as a family, the rate for the entire weekend for the whole family or individual is just $40 which includes lodging. For one night lodging, the fee is $20 and for day only the fee is $10.

The excellent facilities at North Toledo Bend State Park are ideal for a Fall weekend fly tying retreat. Activities take place at the park’s group facility, which features a commercial kitchen and dining hall, and lodging available for up to 150 people in 5 heated log bunkhouses (30 beds each). There’s also a heated central shower and restroom building with nice night lighting on all the sidewalks.

For complete details, go to

Friday, September 20, 2024

September 23rd fly tying - Llano Bug

RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, September 23, 2024

7:00 pm
Orvis Perkins-Rowe
7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA

This month fellow club member Bob Cook ties up Kevin Hutchinson's Llano Bug.  A long time Texas favorite, this foam offering is just as fishable on our local streams and lakes.

Our fly tying sessions are open to the public, and beginners are welcome. Bring your vise and tools and tie with us, or just watch. For those without tying tools, the club has some for use during these sessions.  Materials are provided.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

September Activities

Some very busy weeks ahead for regional fly anglers and tiers!  RSFF members have an opportunity to:  demonstrate their tying and favorite patterns, watch other tiers from across the region or country, learn about coastal fisheries, teach kids and even adults about fly casting or tying basics, participate in a fly fishing tournament, join other RSFF members for a weekend of fishing and comradery.

Natchitoches Fly Fishing Tie-In
Saturday, September 14th

9am - 4pm
Natchitoches Chamber Building
716 Second St, Natchitoches, LA

This event is being hosted by the ArkLaTexOma Fly Tiers, an independent group of fly tiers from the four corners region. This event is free and open to the public. Many of the top tiers from across the region will be on hand to demonstrate a wide range of patterns. 

According to Mike Hawkins, there's room for more tiers - contact Mike at

FFI Fly Tying Group Rendezvous
Friday-Saturday, September 27-28

Springlake Event Center
Farmers Branch, Texas, TX

Organized by the Fly Fishers International (FFI) Fly Tying Group, this event will feature tiers from across the country.  It's an opportunity to see many tiers from across the country, perhaps some flies and even tying techniques that RSFF members may not be familiar with.

Admission is free, and there's multiple activities both Friday and Saturday.  These include: Over 40 demonstration tiers, Featured Fly Tyers (theatre-style demonstrations), classes for beginners, workshops and seminars, a banquet and fundraising event on Friday evening, Rendezvous shirts and hats, and more. For more info, go to 

3rd annual ASGA Fisheries Science Symposium
Friday, September 27th

10am - 3pm
Southern Yacht Club, New Orleans
Free admission but pre-registration required

The American Saltwater Guides Association will host their third Fisheries Science Symposium at the Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans. It will feature a comprehensive lineup of guest speakers and presentations focused on current events, research and management updates for iconic Gulf species like redfish and jack crevalle.  They'll also take a peak at artificial intelligence and it's use in the future of fisheries data.

Over the past year, ASGA was a partner with the FFI Gulf Coast Council and other allies in the battle to get sensible new regulations for red drum, speckled trout, and menhaden here in Louisiana.

While the event is free, there's a maximum capacity and a deadline of Tuesday, September 17th to register.  For more info and to register, CLICK HERE.

National Hunting and Fishing Day
Saturday, September 28th
Waddill Outdoors Education Center
4141 N. Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge
8:30am to 2:00pm
Free admission!

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries celebrates NHF Day at four venues across the state, including here in Baton Rouge. Admission  is free. Activities including archery, canoeing, fishery, target shooting, outdoor games, live animal exhibits, educational displays, and more. 

Red Stick Fly Fishers has been part of NHF Day at Waddill for 30 years.  We demonstrate fly tying and fly casting, along with hands-on teaching of tying and casting.  We also talk about fly fishing and opportunities for doing so here in Louisiana and elsewhere. As always, we need volunteers for fly tying, fly casting.  Or to just talk fly fishing. 

Rio Grande Rumble
Saturday, September 28th

Weigh-in: No Wake Outfitters
1926 Airline Dr, Metairie, LA
Registration: $20

Our neighboring club in New Orleans - New Orleans Fly Fishers Club - is hosting their 15th annual Rio Grande Rumble Fly Fishing Rodeo on the 28th. The target species is the invasive and wary Rio Grande cichlid. Categories are Longest and Most. Fishing starts at 6:52am  and ends at 12:30pm.

Pre-registration is available on the NOFFC website. Anglers can also register the morning of the tournament at No Wake Outfitters. For complete details, and to pre-register, go to

RSFF annual Fall Weekend at Lake Concordia
Friday - Sunday, October 4-6

Lakeview Lodge, Ferriday, LA 

While our Fall Concordia trip is officially the first weekend in October,  the club tying session later this month will be the last opporunity for club members to ask questions and get information prior to this activity.  We book the large camp building and some members book individual motel rooms.  Food is provided, however for the Saturday night fish fry we ask all attendees to contribute part of their catch.  We'll be fly fishing for bass, bream, crappie, other species. 

For details, check with Thad McDonald. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

September 9th meeting - Rigging for Success

RSFF general meeting
Monday, September 9th

7:00 pm
LDWF Headquarters
2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

Join us as club president Brian Roberts leads a presentation on "Fly Fishing Basics - Rigging".  The focus will be on how to rig up for fishing with emphasis on south Louisiana, including fly line selection, leader and tippet selection and construction, and terminal knots.  Connor Lewing, the fishing manager at Orvis is scheduled to be on hand as well to help out.

As always, our general meetings are open to the public.  For members unable to attend in person, be on the lookout for a link to the virtual meeting as the date approaches.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Flycasting Clinic Schedule

As previously posted, Jeff Ferguson (FFI MCI) will lead us this Saturday in an in-depth hands-on casting clinic that should benefit anglers of all experience levels. Fly rods will be provided for those looking to learn. In the meantime, Jeff has proposed the following schedule:

8:30 - 9:30 am.  Roll casting. Will cover the Static and Dynamic Roll Casts and benefits of shrinking the anchor and growing the d-loop. Needed to setup the basic cast, but also a useful cast in stream and saltwater applications.

9:45am - 10:45am. Will introduce the Gammel Five Essentials of Casting. These help casters self-diagnose an efficient overhead cast. Loop control can be fun and important in distance, mending, slack line casts, casting in the wind, and pass to accuracy.

11:00am - 12:00 noon. Distance casting. Double haul is a key cast for adding distance but only if done effectively. Jeff will cover how to start and stop a haul, how fast, how long, how line length plays into hauling, and more.  Will also work on the "saltwater quick cast".

Lunch break

After lunch, we'll do fun casts that break the rules and anything else that Jeff can help with from basics to advanced. Examples: curve casts, aerial mends, slack line casts.

Friday, August 9, 2024

RSFF August Activities

A new month is upon us.  Here’s a look ahead at what Red Stick Fly Fishers has on the docket for August.

RSFF General Meeting
Monday, August 12th, 7:00pm
Where: LDWF Headquarters, 2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA
Topic: Trout Fishing North Georgia with Ben Roussel

Join us as RSFF Membership Chair, Ben Roussel, shares some of his experiences targeting wild trout in North Georgia.  For more details, see the post below.

RSFF Casting Clinic with Guest Instructor Jeff Ferguson
Saturday, August 17th, 8am - 12pm
Where: BREC Perkins Rd Park - Pavilion near the Pond

Join us next Saturday, August 17th as FFI Master Casting Instructor, Jeff Ferguson, joins us for an in-depth and hands-on fly casting clinic that should benefit anglers of all experience levels.  Fly rods will be provided for those looking to learn.

Admission to this event is free, and instruction will be provided from 8 am  until noon.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best fly casters out there!

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, August 21st, 7:00pm
Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)
Featured Pattern: TBD

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, July 17th, for this month’s brewery night.  We haven’t settled on a featured pattern as of yet, but keep an eye out for updates as the date approaches.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Keep an eye out for a follow up email with more details.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF Fly Tying Meeting
Monday, August 26th, 7:00 pm
Where: Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA
Featured Pattern: Chicone’s Disco Shrimp

This month, RSFF member Sydney Dobson ties up Drew Chicone’s Disco Shrimp.  Originally designed to target mangrove snapper in south Florida, this gurgler variant provides realistic topwater profile and plenty of fish catching sound courtesy of a built-in rattle.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF Sack Up for Clean Water
Saturday, August 24th, 8:00am - 11:00am
Where: Bayou Fountain Boat Launch (14024 Highland Rd, Baton Rouge)

Join RSFF Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida, and the rest of the RSFF gang for a morning of fly fishing and waterway clean up at the Bayou Fountain boat launch near BREC’s Highland Park.

This is a kayak-friendly outing, but there are plenty of angling opportunities for shorebound fly fishers as well.

"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.” -Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida

Volunteer Sign-up form

Happy Hour at Orvis Baton Rouge
Thursday, August 29th, 5pm - 7pm
Where: Orvis Baton Rouge (7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA)

While this is not an official RSFF Event, our friends at Orvis Baton Rouge would like to invite all local fly anglers to a special Happy Hour event at their shop in Perkins Rowe the evening of Thursday, August 29th.

The event will include a presention on Belize Bonefish by El Pescador Lodge Ambassador, Will Stephens, and some great Orvis gear will be raffled off. 

With a potential RSFF Belize trip in the works for 2025, this is a great time to learn more about the great fishing Belize has to offer.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 12th meeting - North Georgia trout fishing

RSFF monthly general meeting
Monday, August 12, 2024

7:00 pm
LDWF Headquarters
2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

This month fellow RSFF member Ben Roussel will give us a presentation on trout fishing north Georgia.  Ben frequently fishes there, and his adventures are chronicled on his website, From Mountains to Marsh. This area has thousands of miles of small streams that are stocked annually and can provide some exciting action for light rod enthusiasts.

Also on the agenda, upcoming activities including the Casting Clinic on the 17th with Jeff Ferguson, and trips to Lake Concordia, and National Hunting and Fishing Day.

As always, meetings are open to the public. For RSFF members unable to attend in person, we broadcast the meeting on Zoom. Be on the lookout for the virtual meeting link in your email.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

RSFF July Activities

A new month is upon us.  Here’s a look ahead at what Red Stick Fly Fishers has on the docket for July.

RSFF General Meeting
Monday, July 8th, 7:00pm

Where: LDWF Headquarters, 2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA
Topic: Tenkara fishing with Dustin Flint

Join us as RSFF Member, Dustin Flint, will be sharing his experience with Tenkara rods.  A 400-year old japanese style of fly fishing, Tenkara has grown in popularity among American anglers in recent years as a means of targeting trout, warmwater and, even, saltwater species of gamefish.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn more about this unique style of angling.

**For those unable to attend in person, be on the lookout for a link to the virtual meeting as the date approaches**

RSFF Casting Clinic x  Sack Up for Clean Water
Saturday, July 13th, 8:00 am - til

Where: Bayou Manchac Park (19010 Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge)

Join RSFF Casting Chair, Felipe Martinez, and RSFF Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida, as they lead the RSFF crew through a morning of casting and conservation at BREC’s Bayou Manchac Park.  The park boasts a brand new kayak launch, so consider bringing along your canoe, kayak or pirogue if you have one.

"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.” -Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida

Volunteer Sign-up form

July Flies & Flights
Wednesday, July 17th, 6:30pm

Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)
Featured Pattern: TBD

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, July 17th, for this month’s brewery night.  We haven’t settled on a featured pattern as of yet, but keep an eye out for updates as the date approaches.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Keep an eye out for a follow up email with more details.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF Fly Tying Meeting
Monday, July 22nd, 7:00 pm

Where: Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA
Featured Pattern: Clouser’s Swimming Nymph

Join us Monday, July 22nd, as RSFF Communications Chair, Chris Williams, ties up one of his favorite warmwater patterns.  Originally designed to target smallmouth bass on Clouser’s home waters (the Susquehanna River), the pattern has proven effective on a wide variety of warmwater species ranging including common and grass carp.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to tie this simple, yet deadly, patterns!  Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 2024 Casting Clinic recap

From the desk of RSFF Casting Chair, Felipe Martinez:

“We had a small group show up yesterday to cast (Mike, Pete and I). We had a surprise visit from Jeff Ferguson who worked with us on distance casting. It was a terrific time. Probably learned more about casting, rod dynamics and lines in one morning than I had in 40 years.”

Thanks for the update, Felipe!  Reminder that our casting clinics are open to the public, beginning, intermediate, or advanced casters can all improve their skills.  Keep an eye on the website for the next casting clinic date.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

RSFF June Activities

A new month is upon us.  Here’s a look ahead at what Red Stick Fly Fishers has on the docket for June.

RSFF Casting Clinic
Saturday, June 8th, 8:30 am - 10:30am

Where: Kenilworth BREC Park

Join RSFF Casting Chair, Felipe Martinez, for a morning of casting at Kenilworth Park.  This month’s event will focus on distance casting, so come prepared to work on that double haul!

RSFF General Meeting

Monday, June 10th, 7:00pm
Where: LDWF Headquarters, 2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA
Topic: Jambalaya Challenge Update

Join us as RSFF President, Brian Roberts, provides us with a mid-year update on the 2024 Jambalaya Challenge.  With over 230 records submitted to date, there’s going to be plenty to talk about!!

**For those unable to attend in person, be on the lookout for a link to the virtual meeting as the date approaches**

June Flies & Flights
Wednesday, June 19th, 6:30pm

Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)
Featured Pattern: TBD

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, April 17th, for this month’s brewery night.  F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Keep an eye out for a follow up email with more details.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF Sack Up for Clean Water
Saturday, June 22nd, 8:00am until

Where: Black Water Conservation Area , 9385 Blackwater Rd, Baker, LA

Join Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida, and the rest of the RSFF gang as we head to the Blackwater Conservation Area for a morning of waterway cleanup and fly fishing.  With multiple ponds and access to the Comite River, there should be plenty of opportunities to wet a line along the way.

"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.” -Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida

Volunteer Sign-up form

RSFF Fly Tying Meeting
Monday, June 24th, 7:00pm

Where: Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA
Featured Patterns: Fun with Foam! (The Triangle Bug & Ol’ Mr. Wiggly)

This month RSFF Tying Chair, David Rogers, will be walking us through a pair of foam attractor patterns perfect for summer fishing.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stock your box with some quick and effective summer patterns for bass and panfish.

Monday, May 27, 2024

May 28th fly tying - Expo Cicada

RSFF monthly fly tying
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 *

7:00 pm
Orvis Perkins-Rowe
7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA

With this Spring's Brood XiX Cicada emergence still in occurence, we've decided to postpone tying the Murdich Minnow until later this summer.  Instead, Brian Roberts will walk us through tying the Expo Cicada.  

Created by Colorado fly tier Marty Staab, the Expo Cicada is a great imitator of both annual and periodic cicadas. The crew plans to tie up the pattern in two colors, green (annual) and black/orange (periodic).

* Please note: due to the Memorial Day holiday, this month’s fly tying has been moved to Tuesday the 28th.

Our fly tying sessions are open to the public, and beginners are welcome. Bring your vise and tools, or just watch. For those without tying tools, the club has some for use during these sessions. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

May 13th meeting - Summertime in the Louisiana Marsh

RSFF monthly general meeting
Monday, May 13, 2024

7:00 pm
LDWF Headquarters
2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

This month, we have guest speaker Connor Voss.  Connor is a saltwater fishing guide who is also two-time winner of "The Sheepy" a prestigious fly fishing sheepshead tournament held each Spring out of Hopedale.  He will share his secrets for successful marsh fishing trips during the hotter months of the year, including his specialty - the sheepshead.  Much of this info may come in handy with the Spring Catch-and-Eat coming up in a few weeks.

As always, meetings are open to the public. For RSFF members unable to attend in person, we broadcast the meeting on Zoom. Be on the lookout for the virtual meeting link in your email.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April Flies & Flights

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, April 17th

7pm - 9pm
Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge)

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing as Brian Roberts will demo some of the finer points of tying soft hackle flies. These are great for many sunfish species around the Baton Rouge area, either for the RSFF Jambalaya Challenge or the FFI Gulf Coast Council "Suncatch Challenge". All are invited! As always, tools, vises and materials are available for those looking to learn.

As mentioned last month, Rally Cap's new pizza oven is officially up and running. In addition to pizza, Kevin and the crew have a full menu available including calzones and subs. So be sure to come hungry and help support our friends at Rally Cap.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

April 11th meeting - Dave Zielinski

RSFF monthly general meeting
Monday, April 11, 2024

7:00 pm
LDWF Headquarters
2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

This month, we have a very special guest that will be joining us remotely. Dave Zielinski is owner of Down Home Boatworks, and is author of "Cicada Madness" subtitled "Timing, Fishing Techniques, and Patterns for Cracking the Code of Epic Cicada Emergences". It's the first book every dedicated to fly fishing using patterns based on this group of insects.

Cicadas are large, loud insects that spend their nymphal stages underground until they crawl out, climb a tree trunk, and emerge as winged insects. The adult insects emerge on a 1-year (annual) and 13- or 17-year (periodical) cadence. Yearly emergences are consistent and plentiful in certain places and are a dependable “hatch.”

But in years - like 2024 - when periodical cicadas emerge in certain places, their numbers can be staggering. Even species that don't normally feed on these insects will do so out of sheer abundance of bugs hitting the water. Dave will give insight on where to find these large hatches, which imitations work best, and what techniques to use.

Members in attendance will be able to ask Dave questions. Come and learn about a very rare opportunity this current year offers for great dry fly fishing on many streams and lakes!

As always, meetings are open to the public.

Friday, March 22, 2024

March 25th tying - Carp Flies

RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, March 25, 2024

7:00 pm
Orvis Perkins-Rowe
7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA

Featured Patterns: Admiral Ackbar, The Hammerhead

Join us as David Rogers leads us through two unique and effective Carp Patterns, the Admiral Akbar (created by Jean-Paul Lipton) and The Hammerhead (created by Ian Anderson).  With warmer weather and The Dirty Carp tournament approaching, this is a great opportunity to begin stocking up flies for one of the most overlooked and challenging freshwater species our region offers.

Our fly tying sessions are open to the public, and beginners are welcome. Bring your vise and tools, or just watch. For those without tying tools, the club has some for use during these sessions. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March Flies & Flights

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, March 20

7pm - 9pm
Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge)

Featured Patterns: Jitterbee, Bully Bluegill Spider

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing as we tie up a couple of patterns in preparation for springtime panfish. Randy Leonpacher will be in attendance to share his famed Jitterbee fly, and A.J. Rosenbohm will be coming up from New Orleans to share his variant of the Bully Bluegill Spider.  All are invited! As always, tools, vises and materials are available for those looking to learn.

* Good news: Rally Cap's new pizza oven is officially up and running! Kevin and the crew will have a full menu available for us (pizza, calzones, and subs). So be sure to come hungry and help support our friends at Rally Cap.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, March 1, 2024

RSFF March Activities

A new month is upon us.  Here’s a look ahead at what RSFF has on the docket for March.

Louisiana Sportsman Show
Friday-Sunday, March 1-3
Where: Raising Cane’s River Center, Baton Rouge, LA

Details: Be sure to stop by Booth 6140 if you visit the Sportsman Show this weekend.  A few of the gang from RSFF will be on hand sharing information about the club, tying flies and educating the public.

29th annual Red Stick Day
Saturday, March 9th; 8:30am - 3:30pm
Where: Waddill Wildlife Refuge (4142 N Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge)

Red Stick Day is our annual fly fishing festival.   Whether beginner or expert,  there's something for everyone! Click on "Red Stick Day" in the menu above to get all the details!

General Meeting
Monday, March 11th, 7:00pm - til
Where: LDWF Headquarters (2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA)

Topic: The 2024 Gulf Coast Classic/The Dirty Carp Fly Fishing Tournament

Details: This month, two members of the New Orleans Fly Fishing Club will be joining us to present on upcoming events.  First up, A.J. Rosenbohm will be joining us to promote the 2nd Annual Gulf Coast Classic Fly Fishing Festival.  Hosted by the Gulf Coast Council of FFI, The Classic is slated to take place May 3-4, 2024 on the Learning Campus of Gulf State Park (Gulf Shores, AL).  The event includes two days of exhibitors, demonstration tyers, and seminars as well as a mixed-bag tournament and showing of the 2024 Fly Fishing Film Tour.

Following that, New Orleans angler, Mac Colvin, will be presenting on the inaugural Dirty Carp Fly Fishing Tournament.  Slated for May 11, 2024, the tournament will put fly anglers skills to the test as the battle to catch the largest carp the city of New Orleans has to offer.

**For those unable to attend in person, be on the lookout for a link to the virtual meeting as the date approaches**

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, March 20th, 7pm - 9pm
Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)

Featured Pattern: Spring Panfish & Bass; Exact Pattern TBD

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, March 20th, as we tie up a few smaller patterns in preparation for some springtime panfish & bass.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!  Keep an eye out for a follow up email with more details.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF Fly Tying Meeting
Monday, March 25th, 7PM - Til
Where: Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA

Featured Patterns: Admiral Akbar & the Hammerhead

Details: Join us Monday, March 25th, as RSFF Fly Tying Chair, David Rogers, leads us through two unique and effective Carp Patterns, the Admiral Akbar & the Hammerhead.  With spring temps on the way and The Dirty Carp tournament only a few months off, this is a great opportunity to begin stocking your boxes for one of the most overlooked and challenging freshwater species our region offers.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

Bogue Chitto Camping Trip x #SackUpForCleanWater
When: Friday - Sunday, March 22-24, 2024
Where: Bogue Chitto State Park (Franklinton, LA)

Details: Join the RSFF crew for a weekend of fishing, camping and camaraderie as we descend upon Bogue Chitto SP (Franklinton, LA) the weekend of March 22-24, 2024.  Conditions should be ideal for fishing for fishing the ponds, small creeks and Bogue Chitto River, so come prepared for some great mixed-bag opportunities!

Kayaks are recommended for those looking to float the river or fish the larger ponds.  Available campsites are limited, please contact Brian Roberts, if interested.

Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida, will be hosting this month’s Sack Up For Clean Water event in conjunction with the trip, so come prepared to help leave Bogue Chitto SP cleaner than we found it!

"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.” -Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida

Volunteer Sign-up form

Reminder: The deadline for monthly submissions will be the final day of the prior month and can be sent directly to myself ( or Brian Roberts (

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Visit RSFF at the Louisiana Sportsman Show

44th annual Louisiana Sportsman Show
Friday-Sunday, March 1-3, 2024

Raising Cane's River Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Red Stick Fly Fishers will be participating in this year's Louisiana Sportsman Show for the first time in several years. The show has moved to the first weekend of March and to a new weather-independent venue, the River Center in downtown Baton Rouge.

We'll be at booth 6140 which is near all the boats. We'll be doing some fly tying, have a slideshow of fish photos and videos, a poster board with club events, some tackle on display and more.  And of course, some promotional material for Red Stick Day coming up the following weekend (March 9th).

The show promises to be better than ever this year with special guest appearance by Jimmy Houston on Sunday.  For schedule, ticket prices, and more details, go to

Sunday, February 25, 2024

February 26th fly tying - Pillow Talk

RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, February 26, 2024

7:00 pm
Orvis Perkins-Rowe
7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA

Join us for this month's tying session as Tristan Welch teaches us how to tie the "Pillow Talk", a bonefish fly developed by Alphonse Island's Wayne Haselau. Somewhat different that most bonefish flies you've probably seen, but it's a powerhouse fish fooler!

Our fly tying sessions are open to the public, and beginners are welcome. Bring your vise and tools, or just watch. For those without tying tools, the club has some for use during these sessions. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Get ready for Red Stick Day on March 9th

March is almost here, and that means Red Stick Day is now just days away! Our annual fly fishing festival takes place Saturday, March 9th. It's a celebration of our sport featuring great programs, fly tying demonstrations, casting instruction, loads of raffle items, kayak demos and more.  And best of all, admission is free!

The event will again be held at the LDWF Waddill Outdoors Education Center off North Flannery Road.  The ponds on the premises are full of big bass and bluegill, so bring your fly tackle.  In addition, our friends at Masseys Outfitters will be on hand with a variety of kayaks  for folks to test paddle/pedal.  

Once again, we have great programs lined up on fly fishing for smallmouth bass, on obscure species across the South, on the finer points of fly casting and more.  

Roughly a dozen of the region's top fly tiers will also be on hand to demonstrate their various flies, along with their favorite legacy patterns. Attendees can watch and learn the step-by-step process to making a great fish-catching lure from scratch.

We'll also have casting instruction from some of the top fly casting instructors in the country! There will also be casting games for those looking to test their skills.

Complete details of the event - including schedule of activities, speaker and tier bios, and more - can be found by clicking on the "Red Stick Day" page on the menu above. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

February Flies & Flights

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, February 21st

7pm - 9pm
Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)

Featured Pattern: Meat Whistle

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing as we tie up John Barr’s Meat Whistle in preparation for some springtime Largemouth.  Tools, vises and materials are available for those looking to learn, so please don't hesitate to join us if you're looking to learn.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

February 19th meeting: Redeye Bass on Fly

RSFF monthly general meeting
Monday, February 19, 2024 *

7:00 pm
LDWF Headquarters
2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

* note this month's meeting is moved to the 3rd Monday due to the Mardi Gras weekend *

This month Alabama Native, Dr. Matthew Lewis, will be joining us remotely to discuss Redeye Bass on the Fly.  Dr. Lewis has a Master’s in Fisheries and a PhD in Genetics from the Auburn University, but is best known in the fly fishing community for his book, "Fly Fishing for Redeye Bass", and his work co-founding the Redeye Bass Slam.

As always, meetings are open to the public.  For remote members, the meeting will be available via Zoom.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Meet your 2024 Directors

Red Stick Fly Fishers is celebrating its 36th year as a club, and we're off to a great start with several events set for 2024. The new Board of Directors is busy planning out monthly meetings and tying sessions, as well as traditional activities such as Red Stick Day, Concordia Freshwater trips (Spring & Fall), Marsh Catch-n-Eat trips (Spring & Fall) and more.

There are also new activities in the works. Our new Casting Director Felipe Martinez is planning to hold frequent casting sessions, for both beginners and those willing to learn a new technique or two. Our new Conservation Director Robinson Almeida is working with other organizations in the area on a variety of projects. For those with a few hours open on a weekend, participating in one of these helps improve your skills or contributes to the improvement of the natural habitat we depend on to enjoy our sport.

President - Brian Roberts
Secretary - Jack Lithgoe
Treasurer - Ron Braud
Communications - Chris Williams
Past President - Pete Sturgis
Fly Tying - David Rogers
Education - Joe Conachen
Casting - Felipe Martinez
Warmwater - Emmitt Simmons
Saltwater - Randy Leonpacher
Coldwater - Cole Miller
Membership - Ben Roussel
Conservation - Robinson Almeida
Events - Gary Elbourne
International Travel - Ken Holmes

If you have any questions regarding any activities or seeking info in certain skill areas, please feel free to contact one of our directors.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

RSFF February Activities

A new month is upon us.  Here’s a look ahead at what RSFF has on the docket for the month of February!

Sack Up for Clean Waters
Saturday, February 3rd,  9am - til

* This event has been cancelled due to inclement weather *

"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.” -Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida

RSFF Casting Clinic
Saturday, February 10th, 9am - til
Where: Perkins Rd Community Park

Details: Join RSFF Casting Chair, Felipe Martinez, as he leads the RSFF crew through the FFI Copper and Silver Casting Challenges.

For those interested in having their casting stroke recorded, we’ll have a video station setup as part of the event.

General Meeting
Monday, February 19th, 7:00pm - til
Where: LDWF Headquarters (2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA)

Topic: Redeye Bass on the Fly

This month Alabama Native, Dr. Matthew Lewis, will be joining us remotely to discuss Redeye Bass on the Fly.  Dr. Lewis has a Master’s in Fisheries and a PhD in Genetics from the Auburn University, but is best known in the fly fishing community for his book, Fly Fishing for Redeye Bass, and his work co-founding the Redeye Bass Slam.

** For those unable to attend in person, be on the lookout for a link to the virtual meeting as the date approaches **

Flies & Flights
Wednesday, February 21st, 7pm - 9pm
Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)

Featured Pattern: Meat Whistle

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, February 21st, as we tie up John Barr’s Meat Whistle in preparation for some springtime Largemouth.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

** Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn **

Sack Up for Clean Water x Clean Pelican
Saturday, February 24th, 9:00am - til
Where: Perkins Rd Community Park

Details: Join us Saturday, February 24th, as Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida, and the RSFF Crew team up with the Gaudin Law Group for the next Clean Pelican litter cleanup event.  Cleanup will run from 9am to 10am with a casting event hosted by RSFF beginning at 10:15am.

RSFF Fly Tying Session
Monday, February 26th 7:00pm - til
Where: Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA

Featured Pattern: The Pillow Talk

Join us Monday, February 26th, as Tristan Welch teaches us to tie the Pillow Talk, a bonefish fly developed by Alphonse Island's Wayne Haselau. Somewhat different than most bonefish flies you've probably fished but, we've added this one into the monthly rotation for one simple reason. It's a powerhouse fish fooler.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

Reminder: The deadline for monthly submissions will be the final day of the prior month and can be sent directly to Chris Williams ( or Brian Roberts (

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Event season is here!

When it comes to fly fishing, Spring is event season across the South. There's a wide range of regional events from large commercial expos like the Atlanta Fly Fishing Show and Texas Fly Fishing & Brew Festival to smaller club festivals like our own "Red Stick Day" and to the medium-sized Fly Fishers International regional events like the "Gulf Coast Classic".

Our friends in the Kisatchie Fly Fishers club recently held their biennial festival in Pineville, and it was very successful. It's held in even years, while the New Orleans Fly Fishers event is held in odd years.  No exact date yet for the NOFF Festival but it'll be sometime in January 2025. Our friends in the Big Easy always put on a really good show!

Here are dates for the remaining regional events this Spring:

Jan. 27 (Sat) – 31st annual Dr. ED RIZZOLO FLY TYING FESTIVAL, Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX. 8:30am – 4:30pm. The largest fly tying event on the Gulf Coast features over 80 tiers as well as seminars and vendors. Featured guest tier: Les Lehman. Hosted by the Texas Fly Fishers club. Website:

Feb. 2-4 (Fri-Sun) – ATLANTA FLY FISHING SHOW, GA South Center, 6400 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Duluth, GA. 9am – 6pm. Largest fly fishing show in the South featuring nationally-renown speakers, tiers. Workshops, seminars, destination seminars, exhibitors, and more. FFI will host the Learning Center, with casting and fly tying instruction free to show attendees. Website:

Feb. 24-25 (Sat-Sun) – 7th annual TEXAS FLY FISHING & BREW FESTIVAL, Mesquite Convention Center, Mesquite, TX. Nationally known fly fishing authors, professional guides, expert casters, fly tiers from across the country, dozens of exhibitors. Microbrew sampling. Website:

Mar. 9 (Sat) – 26th Annual RED STICK DAY, Waddill Outdoor Education Center, 4142 N Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge, LA. 8:30am – 3:30pm. Free admission. Seminars, tying demos, kayak demos, casting clinics, food, refreshments. Hosted by Red Stick Fly Fishers. Website:

Mar. 21-23 – 27th annual SOWBUG ROUNDUP, Baxter County Fairgrounds, Mountain Home, AR. 9am – 4pm, each day. Admission $10 for all 3 days, adults with kids under 12 free. Largest fly tying event in the country, over 120 tiers. Seminars, fly tying clinics, vendors. Special guests Davy Wotton, Tim Flagler. Hosted by North Arkansas Fly Fishers. Website:

May 3-4 (Fri-Sat) – 2nd annual FFI GULF COAST CLASSIC, Learning Campus, Gulf State Park, Gulf Shores, AL.  Seminars, fly tying demos, casting clinics, raffles, Mixed Bag Challenge fishing contest. Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) on Saturday 4pm. Hosted by the Gulf Coast Council of Fly Fishers International. Website: or

May 11 (Sat) - THE DIRTY CARP fly fishing tournament, fly fishing tournament for carp in Jefferson, Orleans and St. Bernard parishes. Bank fishing only. Hosted by members of the New Orleans Fly Fishers. More details and registration to come soon. Follow on instagram @thedirtycarp for details as they become available.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

January 22nd fly tying - Ken's Redfish Fly

RSFF monthly fly tying
Monday, January 22, 2024

7:00 pm
Orvis Perkins-Rowe
7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA

Join us this Monday evening for our monthly fly tying session at Orvis.  The pattern this month will be Ken's Redfish Fly - a special creation by our own Ken Holmes.

Our fly tying sessions are open to the public, and beginners are welcome. Bring your vise and tools, or just watch. For those without tying tools, the club has some for use during these sessions.  

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Flies & Flights - Weds, January 17th

Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)

When: Wednesday, January 17th (7pm til close)

Join us this Wednesday for our first monthly Flies & Flights of 2024, hosted by Rally Cap Brewing.  This month we’ll be tying up some Hare’s Ear Nymph variants (a mainstay of trout & panfish boxes everywhere)!  Tools, vises and materials are available for those looking to learn, so please don't hesitate to join us if you're looking to learn.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Looking forward to seeing everyone Wednesday!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

January 15th General Meeting: Redfish Regs & Pickerel on the Fly with Catch Cormier

 Monday, January 15, 2024 @ 7PM

 LDWF Headquarters
 2000 Quail Dr
 Baton Rouge, LA 70809

* This meeting was postponed from January 8th due to weather.  We'll be monitoring the weather for this upcoming Monday as there's a slight chance of freezing precipitation on Tuesday *

 This month’s featured speaker is Glen "Catch" Cormier.  Catch is the Conservation Director for the Gulf Coast Council of Fly Fishers International (FFI).  In addition, he loves fly fishing for chain pickerel across west Louisiana, east Texas and elsewhere.  Catch will be presenting on a pair of topics:

  1. Fly Fishing for Chain Pickerel in the Pineywoods Region of Louisiana and Texas

  2. An update on LDWF efforts to amend current Redfish Regulations

Be sure to mark your calendar for what should be an informative and entertaining evening.

See everyone there!

Monday, January 8, 2024


 Due to the risk of severe weather, the RSFF Board has elected to postpone this evening's General Meeting.

Please check back for announcements regarding the rescheduled time and date.


Stay safe and dry this evening!!