Friday, December 30, 2022

2023 Jambalaya Challenge kicks off January 1st

A new year, a new challenge. How many species can you catch on flies?  As the previous post points out... LOTS!  The 2023 Jamb-C begins this Sunday, January 1st, giving club members a chance to put "rainbow trout" into their list of entries. Several of the BREC ponds were recently stocked with the coldwater species. The trout fishing tends to taper off after a few weeks, due to fishing pressure and predation. So don't delay!

Rules are now updated on our "Jambalaya Challenge" webpage. New this year is "Fish of the Month".  Each month we'll recognize a particular entry to the Jamb-C.  It could be an unusual catch, a good size fish, or other outstanding entry. Send the photo entries to This is the same email used to send photos for the Challenge.

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