Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 2024 Casting Clinic recap

From the desk of RSFF Casting Chair, Felipe Martinez:

“We had a small group show up yesterday to cast (Mike, Pete and I). We had a surprise visit from Jeff Ferguson who worked with us on distance casting. It was a terrific time. Probably learned more about casting, rod dynamics and lines in one morning than I had in 40 years.”

Thanks for the update, Felipe!  Reminder that our casting clinics are open to the public, beginning, intermediate, or advanced casters can all improve their skills.  Keep an eye on the website for the next casting clinic date.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

RSFF June Activities

A new month is upon us.  Here’s a look ahead at what Red Stick Fly Fishers has on the docket for June.

RSFF Casting Clinic
Saturday, June 8th, 8:30 am - 10:30am

Where: Kenilworth BREC Park

Join RSFF Casting Chair, Felipe Martinez, for a morning of casting at Kenilworth Park.  This month’s event will focus on distance casting, so come prepared to work on that double haul!

RSFF General Meeting

Monday, June 10th, 7:00pm
Where: LDWF Headquarters, 2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA
Topic: Jambalaya Challenge Update

Join us as RSFF President, Brian Roberts, provides us with a mid-year update on the 2024 Jambalaya Challenge.  With over 230 records submitted to date, there’s going to be plenty to talk about!!

**For those unable to attend in person, be on the lookout for a link to the virtual meeting as the date approaches**

June Flies & Flights
Wednesday, June 19th, 6:30pm

Where: Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA)
Featured Pattern: TBD

Join us at Rally Cap Brewing on Wednesday, April 17th, for this month’s brewery night.  F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

Keep an eye out for a follow up email with more details.

**Tools, vises and materials available for those looking to learn**

RSFF Sack Up for Clean Water
Saturday, June 22nd, 8:00am until

Where: Black Water Conservation Area , 9385 Blackwater Rd, Baker, LA

Join Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida, and the rest of the RSFF gang as we head to the Blackwater Conservation Area for a morning of waterway cleanup and fly fishing.  With multiple ponds and access to the Comite River, there should be plenty of opportunities to wet a line along the way.

"Our love of fly fishing is not just about uncovering amazing locations; it’s also about taking responsibility for our environment. As our consumption increase so does the litter that finds its way onto our streets, into our infrastructure, ending in our waterways. RSFF is committed to educating and advocating for responsible practices to keep all of our favorite spots pristine.” -Conservation Chair, Robinson Almeida

Volunteer Sign-up form

RSFF Fly Tying Meeting
Monday, June 24th, 7:00pm

Where: Orvis Baton Rouge, 7601 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge LA
Featured Patterns: Fun with Foam! (The Triangle Bug & Ol’ Mr. Wiggly)

This month RSFF Tying Chair, David Rogers, will be walking us through a pair of foam attractor patterns perfect for summer fishing.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stock your box with some quick and effective summer patterns for bass and panfish.