Monday, December 30, 2024

Membership fee structure changes for 2025

New for 2025, there is a new membership structure for Red Stick Fly Fishers. In addition to the $25 basic membership, a new $50 Premium membership has been introduced. Members opting for the Premium level will receive benefits which include, but not limited to, an annual swag item.  The item might be a pint glass, t-shirt, tumbler, tote or duffel bag, sling pack, etc, with the RSFF logo.

According to president Brian Roberts, the RSFF Team is hard at work on creating some cool swag items to have for Premium members in 2025. They are also working on purchase discounts as a benefit as well.

As always, dues can be accepted through the end of March, as many members choose to pay at Red Stick Day. 

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