Friday, September 15, 2023

September 20th Flies & Flights

This month's Flies & Flights will be on Wednesday, September 20th. Location is Rally Cap Brewing (11212 Pennywood Ave, Baton Rouge, LA) starting at 7pm.

F&F is an independent collective of tiers just looking to tie and enjoy a social gathering with some fine brews. While not affiliated with Red Stick, it was hatched by a few club members as an alternative to a traditional meeting environment. Everyone is welcome!

This month Ken Holmes shares a few woolly bugger variants that you'll want to add to your fly box.  As always, we'll have materials on hand for the featured pattern, but feel free to bring materials for any patterns you're currently working on as well. 

Bring your vise, tools and some materials if you have those.  If not, we'll have plenty of tools, vises and materials on hand for those looking to learn. Or just come and watch and enjoy some cold drinks and fine discussion!


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