Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 13 general meeting

Red Stick Fly Fishers general meeting
Monday, March 13, 2017
Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries building
2000 Quail Dr, Baton Rouge, LA

With the start of Daylight Savings Time, we'll begin our pre-meeting casting at 6:30pm. Beginners are invited to participate and learn from club casting experts!

For this meeting, we'll be discussing the Grand Isle Weekend in June. This is the largest club event outside of Red Stick Day, and has the highest attendance by far of any of our trips. Members of other clubs participate as well. Saltwater Chairman Randy Leonpacher will explain a dilemna we are faced with and seek club input on how to proceed with this trip this going forward.

If you love saltwater fishing and the Grand Isle Weekend, please attend this meeting and share your thoughts!

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